Triple-Band Inverted-V 160m/80m/40m

Do you think there is not enough space for a good top band antenna in downtown Vienna?

On July 7, 2016, we extended the previously existing Dual-Band Fan-Dipole in Inverted-V configuration for 80m/40m to the „top band“ (160m). Roughly 80m of copper wire span a bent dipole in Z-shape due to the space limitations on the roofs of the EE buildings of TU Wien. We were lucky, it was a beautiful sunshine day and had a lot of fun. More details follow. For now, just enjoy the team photo: Andreas OE1AJW, Stefan OE1ABU, Max OE1HXC, David, Sam, Lukas OE1LZW, Matvey, Shrief, and Chris OE1VMC.


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